 ShareMarch 8 - Return to Yellow Level2021-03-06
 The provincial government has announced that we will return to Yellow Level on Monday, March 8th. Accordingly, the Town of Riverview has updated their Covid-19 protocols for each rink which will become effective on March 8th.
The full listing of protocols for each rink can be found on the Covid-19 page of the Riverview Minor Hockey Club website: http://riverviewminorhockeyclub.com/page.php?page_id=122720
Listed below are some of the highlights to be aware of:
- Upper rink – 2 spectators per participant
- Lower rink – 1 spectator per participant
- Players may enter the facility 20 minutes prior to their ice time (team liaisons may enter 25 minutes prior to prepare for screening)
- Players are to come to the rink fully dressed except for skates, helmets, gloves
- Parents of U7, U9, U11 may enter 20 minutes prior to the ice time to assist their player with equipment
- Parents of U13, U15 U18 may enter 5 minutes prior to the ice time
- Teams must vacate the dressing room (building) within 10 minutes from the end to their ice time
- Spectators must exit the building immediately at the end of the ice session and wait for their participant outside of the building (exception for 1 parent of U7, U9, U11 participants)
- Teams must remain in their respective dressing rooms until they go on the ice. No waiting by the glass for the Zamboni to finish.
- 1 metre physical distancing with face masks while in the dressing rooms
- Dressing room capacities are as follows:
- Upper Rink:
- Dressing room 1 max 14
- Dressing room 2 max 15
- Dressing room 3 max 13
- Dressing room 4 max 13
- Lower Rink:
- Dressing room 5 max 11
- Dressing room 6 max 12
- Dressing room 7 max 12
- Dressing room 8 max 12
- Dressing room 9 max 12
- Dressing room 10 max 12
- These capacities must be adhered to. Extra players must use the chairs outside the dressing rooms or the front row of the bleachers.
- Teams may use 2 dressing rooms for practices but only 1 room for games (visiting team gets a room). In the lower rink, an extra room may be available
- A modified approach to Active Screening is now required for Organized Sport activities which includes:
- Passive screening using the screening questionnaire must be conducted at home prior to leaving for the activity.
- For activities involving youth, upon arrival at the activity, a volunteer must conduct an additional check by asking the child if the passive screening took place prior to coming to the activity and asking them if they are experiencing any symptoms of COVID-19. If it did not, the volunteer must conduct the screening with the child (parent) prior to their entrance.
- In addition, the volunteer must request all patrons to sanitize their hands upon entrance to the premises.
- Note that screening may be done using an electronic system (e.g. Teamsnap) provided the participant is prompted to respond to the questions and the system records the answers.
- With respect to Contact Tracing please note:
- Each team is responsible to track their own players and staff at every team event along with parents/guests and keep a copy.
- HNB’s contact tracing sheet can be found on the RMHC website http://riverviewminorhockeyclub.com/page.php?page_id=122720
- The home team also requires a copy of the visiting team's list so that they can give to the facility/arena as they are mandated to have a copy of every person entering the facility.
- Leave the home and visiting teams lists with security
- Teams who fail to provide their lists may find themselves unable to enter the facility to play.
- Teams who are playing exhibition games must advise visiting teams of the arena protocols and those teams must comply with the rules
- Per the Town of Riverview, teams who do not follow the Arena protocols will lose their ice privileges
Stay safe and enjoy the final few weeks of the season.