 ShareNovember 23rd Update2020-11-23

All the user groups met with the Town Parks and Rec department earlier this afternoon.
Here are the highlights:
- Minor Hockey ice times will continue to be 45 minutes in duration. Arrive no more than 15 minutes before the scheduled time and exit immediately after the time ends (no longer than 15 minutes, preferably within 10 minutes)
- Early morning ice times for competitive teams will begin at 6:30am and conclude at 7:15am. Entry doors will open at 6:15am.
- One team per ice time
- Dressing rooms will be closed. Players are to come to the rink fully dressed except for skates, helmets and gloves. Players must wear masks until they enter the ice surface. They should bring a storage container for their mask and store it on the bench along with their water bottle.
- U7 / U9 / U11 – permitted to have 1 parent/guardian per participant. Spectators must maintain social distancing in the stands
- U13 / U15 U18 – no parents/guardians
- Player benches are not to be used for seating
- Active screening must be done for each person entering the building by the Team Liaison.
- Each person must be asked the GNB Covid Screening questions. (click here)
- Information must be recorded using the HNB tracing form (click here)
- Team Snap cannot be used in the Orange Phase
An updated ice schedule for this week has been posted to the website.
Stay safe!