ShareArena Protocol Update

Arena user groups met with the Town today to review the Arena protocols, with respect to both adherence by the user groups and enforcement by the Town.
Below are the adherence issues which are still occurring:
- Social Distancing – in the stands, hallways, lobbies, etc.
- Food and Drink – there is none permitted anywhere in the building with the exception of players water bottles
- Players need to remain in the dressing rooms until the ice has been flooded and they can then go straight onto the ice
- Showers are closed for the season – for both players and referees
- Siblings must remain in the stands with their guardian during ice times – they are not to run around the building with other siblings
- Spitting on the dressing room floors is prohibited
- Parents (U11 and above) are asked to exit the building immediately upon conclusion of the ice time. Players can meet you outside.
- There has been too much congestion in the lobbies and hallways with zero social distancing
- Upper rink - parents are asked to proceed immediately to the seating area in upon entering the building. Parents of younger players may assist their children with their equipment but then send the player to the dressing room and they then need to go proceed to the seating area. There is no standing by the glass to watch as you are blocking the traffic flow areas.
- Lower rink – parents are asked to wait (socially distanced) in the long hallway until the seating area is vacated by the spectators from the previous ice time. Parents of younger players may assist their children with their equipment but then send the player to the dressing room and they then need to return to the hallway until the seating area is clear. There is no standing by the glass to watch as you are blocking the traffic flow areas.
Below are new procedures which will be implemented as of Wednesday, November 18:
- Building entry will be restricted as doors will be locked by Town staff at the start time of each ice time
- For example - an 8:00-9:00pm ice time. Doors will be opened at 7:30pm and locked at 8:00pm. Everyone must be in the building at that point. Doors will be unlocked again at 8:45pm for the team(s) coming for the 9:15pm time.
- Team Liaisons must be present for the doors to be unlocked
- Visiting teams need to be advised of the procedures and have their Team Liaison on site for contact tracing
- To this point Town staff have been recording, not policing, protocol violations. They will begin to enforce the Arena Covid Protocols
- The Town will advise the user groups on a daily basis of serious adherence issues and identify the offending team/division so that the issues can be dealt with accordingly
Continued offences could result in:
- Loss of ice times for user group or team
- Exclusion from the building by individual violators
- Zero spectators permitted in the building
Click here to review the arena protocols