ShareRegistration Now Open

RMHC is pleased to announce the 2020-2021 season will begin soon. Due to Covid-19, the season will look different from normal, however, the kids will be back on the ice enjoying the great game of hockey.
RMHC will be following the protocols as set by the Province of New Brunswick, Hockey Canada, Hockey New Brunswick and the Town of Riverview so that the return to hockey is a safe and fun environment for all participants.
Hockey New Brunswick is taking a 5 Phase approach to returning to the ice. (details on page 8 of their guidelines). Our ice times will begin on
October 13 and we will stay in Phase 1 for 2 weeks. Phase 2 will begin near the end of October, at which point tryouts will occur, and we expect to be in that phase for 2-3 weeks before moving to Phase 3 for another 2-3 weeks.
Note that because the Covid-19 situation is fluid, the guidelines of the governing bodies are living documents and the timing and execution of the phases my change.
As we prepare our return to the ice in Phase 1 please review the documents below from the various governing bodies:
- Click here for Hockey Canada's Return to Hockey Safety Guidelines.
- Click here for Hockey New Brunswick's Return to Hockey Guidelines.
- Click here for the Town of Riverview's Facility Guidelines.
Below are a few of the protocols which must be followed:
- face coverings are required in the Byron Dobson Arena except for on-ice
- only one parent or guardian per particpant - no siblings - permitted in the arena
- arrive no more than 15 prior to ice time and leave 15 after
- all players must have their own jerseys and socks for phase 1
- come dressed in most equipment except skates, helmets and gloves
- parents not permitted in dressing rooms - use front row of bleachers to assist younger players
- bring full water bottles marked with names - no drinking fountains available
- no food permitted in the arena - reusable drink containers only
Online registration is now open. Register by September 19 and save $100. Click here for registration information.
Should you have any questions contact:
Steve Marshall
Riverview Minor Hockey Club Manager
Telephone: 863-8380